Apache Tomcat vs Jetty

November 18, 2021

Apache Tomcat vs Jetty

When it comes to serving Java web applications, Apache Tomcat and Jetty are two of the most popular open-source web servers available. Both are powerful tools with a broad range of features, but which server is better suited for your project? We'll take a look at the comparisons of the two servers below.


For web developers, the efficiency and speed of the web server is a crucial factor. In that case, a measurement of throughput and response time will be used to measure performance.

In terms of raw performance, Jetty seems to be faster than Tomcat. A recent benchmark test on a simple Java Hello World application showed that Jetty was 16% faster in terms of throughput and had a 23% faster response time than Tomcat.


Stability is another important factor to consider when choosing a web server. After all, your application must be online, available, and accessible to the public 24/7.

Both web servers are well-known for their stability, However, Tomcat is commonly used for large-scale enterprise applications, so it's been put through more rigorous testing around the world.

Ease of Use

Getting started is crucial when it comes to web development projects. This is where a well-documented application server helps.

Tomcat offers more plugins as compared to Jetty, making it easier for developers to integrate additional features. It also has a vast active community and offers resources for documentation and support in a large repository. At the same time, Jetty offers a simpler user experience and is considered easier to set up and use.


One of the most important aspects of a web server is security, particularly when dealing with sensitive user data. While both Tomcat and Jetty have proven track record, Tomcat has an edge over Jetty regarding security features since it offers more robust authentication and authorization objects that allow customization based on requirements.


Both web servers are free and open-source, meaning they don't have any direct costs to use. That's why they are popular choices among developers and companies to develop web applications.


Apache Tomcat and Jetty are both excellent web application servers, each with their unique benefits. When it comes to web development, developers should base their choice on the most critical variables for their project.

As developers, we have different reasons to pick one over the other. To sum it up, Tomcat beats Jetty in terms of stability, security, and the support from a larger community. Jetty beats Tomcat in terms of performance and ease of use. It's up to you to choose the web server that best fits your project.


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